A Blog about IT, technology and Money

Tag: computer

Virtual Desktops in Windows 10

Virtual desktops natively in Windows 10!

With Windows 10, the virtual desktops feature has been added, which Linux or OS X administrators and users have been using for years.

However, the term “virtual” is not appropriate here. What is meant exactly is the possibility to create multiple desktops with differently opened applications and to work with them.… MORE...

Free technical IT ebooks from Packtpub

Packtpub has actually a learning campaign on his website,  with daily changing free e-books. Packt Publishing have a lot of good premium books and everyday they put up a premium book for download for free. 

You can find the ebook on their camping site. After you have created a free Account, just log in to that and claim you daily free ebook from the Packtpub Website.… MORE...